英语作文:A day during this summer 尽量多点 有头有尾


  • 楼主,采纳我的!第一段:(中心思想)Being glad to spent this day doing something in the holiday summer, I realized again my life being terrible ever while the day began to came up.第二段(过程):If having not met the old woman , maybe never having knew that I'm also having been needed ever in the world. As soon as the woman was faling out the accident hitting by the car, I was calling up the telephone number being '120" to saved her life. Fortunately, she luckily lived in the day, I excited that saying hardly, I cannot helped crying myself. At last, I heard the infornation being about the woman who not night utill awared, I am real happy with the thing, I was pound of myself forever.第三段(作者观点):The day of the summer is influential while I have lived, I will have forgotten this day forever in my life.还有房主,我想加入一个英语团队啊,多赚点分值.就是没找到,好烦啊!介绍下呗.我英语还不错滴 ~~~