求一篇recent change in chinese family life 作文


  • Recent Changes in Chinese Family Life

    During the thirty years, China has made tremendous progress and achievements in all aspects of the country.Our family life has also changed a lot.

    Thirty years ago,most people, even in the city, could only buy new clothing once a year.People usually ate vegetables and had little chance to eat meat except on festivals.There was no television,no computers nor any other electronic appliances in every family.When we want to communicate with friends and relatives,we must write letters and go to postoffice.

    Nowadays,young men liked all kind of trousers.Even some people can not stand to wear the same clothes weeks at a time. We can find variety of vegetables, fruits and meat in every season. We begin to pay attention to the nutrition rather than the diet itself. Our house is full of all kinds of electronic appliances.We surf the Internet,chat with friends by QQ or MSN.All types of mobile phones are in our pockets.

    Achievements in the past 30 years would not have been possible without reform and opening up. wE must remain committed to this policy to create a brighter future.