The fat man always says his meat looks____and sells ____.A.g


  • The fat man always says his meat looks____and sells ____.A.good,good B.well,well C.good,welll D.well,good C look 为系动词,所以用形容词good 作表语.sell为实意动词,用副词well来修饰.

    It seems that men are_____making computers than women

    a.better at b.good at c.well in d.weak in

    a 很典型的比较级 be good at 擅长,good 的比较级better.

    The sign on the well means you ___stay away from the building

    a.must b.can`t c.shouldn`t d.may

    a 这要看句子的意思吧.意思是 墙上的表语意思是你必须远离这座建筑物.

    Don`t throw paper on the ground.________________________

    a.I`m sorry b.Thank you c .You`re welcome d.Not at all

    a 不要把纸扔在地上.对方回答 应该是 很抱歉,或者是不好意思.
