完形填空From the 1870s,the diets of English people have changed


  • From the 1870s,the diets of English people have changed a __A___.People begin to eat__B____ food under the doctors’ advice.Usually,people think a person who is too ___C___ will be sick easily.More than 45% English people ___C___ too fat ____D(?)__ year.So in these days,you can easily see healthy ___A__ in the supermarkets.But sweet snacks are popular in England.___B___ people like eating sweet snacks between meals.There are a lot of ___A__ shops in the schools and workplaces.Instant snacks develop fast.Every year there are 5.5million packets of potato ___D___ selling in the market.They are ___D__ healthy at all.

    ( )1.A.lot B.little C.while D.moment

    ( )2.A.unhealthy B.healthy C.more D.much

    ( )3.A.thin B.slim C.fat D.tall

    ( ) 4.A.is B./ C.are D.be

    ( ) 5.A.a B.one C./ D.every

    ( ) 6.A.food B.clothes C.shoes D.people

    ( )7.A.No B.Most C.Lots D.Much

    ( ) 8.A.snack B.shoe C.clothes D.big

    ( ) 9.A.chip B./ C.vegetables D.chips

    ( ) 10.A./ B.too C.very D.not


    A:Mum,I’m back.Is supper ready?B:No.It t_1_ me half an hour to c_2_.

    A:But I am h_3_.Can I have some snacks?

    B:No,you can’t.E_4_ snacks is b_5_ for your health.

    A:What are you m_6_?B:I am making some d_7_.

    A:Great.I like them.B:I know you like them,so I make some for you.

    A:Thank you,Mum.What do you need for them?

    B:look!I n_8_ some v_9_ and some meat.

    A:I think t_10_ must be delicious.

    1._takes__ 2.____cook___ 3.__hungry___ 4._especially__ 5.____bad_

    6.___meaning__ 7.___dishes___ 8.__need___ 9.__vegetable___ 10.__them___