填空英语帮忙1.There are some boxes [ ] my bed.I keep my shoes [ ]


  • 1.There are some boxes [ on] my bed.I keep my shoes [ in] them

    2.I can see many trees when I walk [ along] this road.I find that there are some colourful flowers [on ] some trees

    3.Mr Lo is [ at] work right now.You can call him.

    4.There are many fish [in ]the ocean

    5.Who is sitting next [to ] you?

    6.There is a fan [on ]the ceiling

    7.Please drink all the milk [ in] the glass

    8.Emily's house is [ on] top[of ]the hill

    9.I live [ on] the first floor [ in]a low building [ on]Wide Road [on ]Lantau lsland last year.It is [at ] the seaside.

    10.We eat moon cakes [ on] Mid-Autumn Festive and wat dumplings [at ] Dragon Boat Festival

    11.Bess and Joe received many presents [on ] Christmas Eve.They opened them [ on] Boxing Day

    12.Ray always takes a nap [ on] the afternoon [of ]weekdays

    13.Mr Chan will be with you [for ] a while .Please wait

    14.Birds begin to sing [ at] daybreak

    15 The Lees will move to the USA[ in]2003.[ for] setting down,they will buy a house there