want some ( )to drink,please.


  • B



    / ˈɔrɪndʒ; US ˈɔːr-; ˋɔrɪndʒ/ n

    [C] round thick-skinned juicy edible fruit that is a reddish-yellow colour when ripe 柑橘; 橙:oranges,lemons and other citrus fruits 橙子、 柠檬和其他柑橘属水果 * [attrib 作定语]orange juice 橙子汁.=>illus at fruit 见fruit插图.

    [C](usu 通常作 orange tree) evergreen tree on which this fruit grows 柑橘树:an orange grove 柑橘园.

    [U] reddish-yellow colour of this fruit 橘红色; 橙黄色:a pale shade of orange 淡橘红色.=>illus at spectrum 见spectrum插图.

    [U,C] (glass of a) drink made from oranges (一杯)柑橘饮料:Would you like some orange?你要橘子水吗?* A fresh orange,please,ie real orange juice as opposed to orangeade or orange squash.请来一杯鲜橙汁.* I'd like a gin and orange please.请来一杯橙汁杜松子酒.