SAT语法.1.The first emperor of Rome was Auguste,and many peopl


  • 1 句子结构是“A,not B.”现在我来简化这个结构:She walked here,(and) not as some people think (that) she came in a taxi.------请注意括号中的and可以省略.这是由两个句子构成的并列句.

    所以,你的句子.The first emperor of Rome was Auguste,(and ) not as many people think that it was Julius Caesar.就是这个原理.如果用 but many people think it to be- -- -,就必须改写成:but many people think it to have been - - -.

    2 increasingly sophisticated technology===technology which is getting increasingly sophisticated ===再简单点:more and more sophisticated technology.

    记住:increasingly==more and more.

    3 for( ==because)是连接词.连接词+句子.each answer to ==each of the answers by the candidates to- -- - .

    4 to her family 应该改写成by her family,因为,不要忘了,was considered是被动语态结构(A considers B to be precious(主动结构)---------B is considered to be precious by A.(被动结构)).

    5 请告诉我:有些新名词我不理解,我落伍了,我承认.