几道英语脑经急转弯1.When will a net hold water?2.What letter is a que


  • 1.When will a net hold water?什么时候可以用网网到水?

    when the water turns ice.当水结冰的时候

    2.What letter is a question?那个字面是个问题?

    字母“Y” 发音和Why一样.Why?

    3.How can you make a repe shorter without cating or winding out it?你打错了,应该是(How can you make a rope shorter without cutting or winding it?)不剪断或缠绕绳子怎末让绳子变短

    Take a longer rope and compare with it!将它与另一条更长的绳子相比.

    4.who works only one day in a year but never gets find(好像应该是gets fired)?谁一年只工作一天而不会被辞退?

    圣诞老人Santa Claus