our english teacher comes ___ england.A、at B、in C、from D、to


  • 选C,come from来自于.我们英语老师来自英国(是英国人).

    come from...(not used in the continuous tenses 不用於进行时态) have as one's birthplace or place of residence 为自己的出生地; 为自己的居住地:She comes from London.她是伦敦人.* Where do you come from?你是什麽地方的人?

    附其他come 短语:

    1.come about (that...) happen 发生:Can you tell me how the accident came a`bout?你能告诉我事故是怎样发生的吗?

    2.come across sb/sth偶遇:I ,came across an old `school friend in Oxford Street this morning.


    3.come back (a) return 回来:You came back (ie came home) very late last night.昨晚你回来得很晚.

    4.come to sb (that...) (of an idea) occur to sb (指看法)被某人想出:The idea came to him in his bath.他洗澡时想出了这个主意.* It suddenly came to her that she had been wrong all along.她突然想到她一开始就错了.

    come 短语还有很多.需要慢慢总结常用的,不懂的要多查词典.如果你经常使用电脑的话给你推荐一款软件LINGOES(灵格斯),它可以安装全世界各种语言的词典:英语、日语、汉语等等.