

  • Strategy one:how to enjoy half-price?Reportedly,this into" an hour to a half",only the car,is the so-called" air conditioning vehicle".Take the car and then by ordinary cars,or take the ordinary cars and buses,the second car can enjoy half-price.

    If you take a car,then transfer to a common vehicle,cost is 1.8+0.9 = 2.7 yuan.While travelling in a car,take a car,cost is 1.81 = 2.8 yuan,this transfer is only your money,but enjoy the air conditioning treatment,more cost-effective.Strategy two:where change is best?

    Regular bus,may be calculated in which the transfer is the most" money".Today,this would not be trying hard to compute,because no matter in which the transfer,as long as it is air-conditioned car transfer car,is 2.8 yuan.For example,from Jiangbei garden village to Monument for Liberation,can take the 118 road in Guanyin Bridge 465 transfer road,also in the temple for transfer,two transfer modes are the same,only need to consider,is to take a bus if more than one hour.Suggest,passengers have multiple sites can transfer case,can choose as far as possible in the" short" transfer,get off after waiting for transfer of vehicles set aside some time,avoid transfer car here and just over an hour."".

    Strategy three:how to change the good?Dense transfer table,you must remember,how to grasp in which station can be how to change?Here warm reminder,public transportation station basically have a specific window is marked with number,yesterday,table was replaced at half price,can transfer bus specially marked blue" transfer" two words,passengers can map; strategy four:if you travel line is the intermediate vehicle transfer of intermediate car -- you must apply for an IC card to remind you,cash ticket transfer does not enjoy half-price,must buy cards.