2道英语单选难题have sth do,have sth done,have sth doing的意思及区别?All t


  • have sth do,让某人去做某事,(还没有作)

    the teacher had the boy clearn the door.

    1.have sth done,请某人做某事.(强调sth 被作)

    I will have my car repaired

    have sth doing 让某事一直做处于某种状态;忍受...作某事.

    Don't have the dog running in the street.

    2.have it dropped 使它落下,强调stone 是被war starters 丢下的.(搬起石头砸自己的脚)

    3.The cat is the only one of her pets (she will have (sleeping) on her bed.)括号内是定语从句,have the cat sleeping on her bed.这只猫是唯一可以在她的床上睡觉的宠物.