There was even a cartoon showing the president refusing to s


  • 这里涉及到的是定语从句的简化概念 .简化为 分词短语,而到底是现在分词(也就是ING形式)还是过去分词要根据 被修饰的那个词(或者从句里的关系代词)是作主动还是被动.

    1 首先来看做主动的情况,也就是简化为现在分词ing形式





    eg.The girl who lives next to my house is my classmate.

    =The girl living next to my house is my classmate.

    John is a young boy who is full of energy.

    = John is a young boy (这里的being 是被省略的)full of energy.

    (可以看出,提问者给的句子里的两处简化都是属于此种情况---即简化为 现在分词ing的形式


    第一处 a cartoon 一部卡通片showing讲述的是一个...这里cartoon是作为show的主动关系,所以就是which was showing 然后省略which was而得到了showing,

    第二处.讲述的是一个总统 怎样的总统呢>?一个拒绝射击小熊的总统,所以这里的定语从句时the president who refused to shoot a cute bear 而president 与refuse的关系很好判断,不是总统被拒绝何时总统自己主动拒绝,所以去掉who 将关系代词who后面的动词refused变成现在分词refusing 而得到了president refusing to shoot a cute bear

    2 再看看做被动的情况,也就是简化为过去分词的形式

    如果被修饰词与后面 修饰它的从句为被动的逻辑关系 如(被修饰的)book 被作者写,后面的从句省去which was之后就接的是written (被修饰的)car 被人开 后面的从句省去which was之后是driven

    Have you ever read the book which was written by that author

    =Have you ever been read the book written by that author

    This is the car which was driven by my brother in the race.

    = This is the car driven by my brother in the race .