

  • there are basically two ways to get work do (done)

    working individually means that we do it (加上by) ourselves it allows us (加上to) mabe

    our own arrargement (arrangements) and settle proldmen independently it is a good way for us

    to practice our won skills ang gian confidence

    woking in a team can offer us a chance to learn (加上from) each other.we can

    have discussion (discussions ) but (and) share our opinions it can break a complex problem

    into small tasks and make it more (去掉more或改为much) easier

    personaiiy i prefer woking ian an team ienjoy the cheerfui feeling of

    being supported and surraunded by partants furthermore a frindly and

    effective cooperation themselves (itself) is a challenging and rewarding process

    of supports (supporting) opportunities and choices其它都是括号里词去换前面那个,你能明白吧.