英语翻译1 Is he the teacher_________________(去年教你们物理的)?2 What do


  • 1 Is he the teacher_________________who taught you physics last year(去年教你们物理的)?

    2 What do you think of the film___________that you saw yesterday(你昨天看的)?

    3Here is our new school building————————which was built last year(去年建造的).

    4The last place ————————that we visited in the factory(我们在工厂参观的)was the NO.4workshop

    5Do you know the student ——————————who is the best in handwriting in

    our school(他的书法是我校最好的)?

    6The famous writer—————— whom you mentioned yestersay(你昨天谈到的)is writing another novel.

    7All ——————that he could do(他能做的)has been done.

    8Those ________who break the law(违法)will be punished.