
  • 见友邻标注看过此片,让我想起大一时写过的book report.当初是学院随机发的书强制读后感,否则这类题材我自己是没啥兴趣的.两年后手贱翻出来重读一遍,都不记得自己扯了这么些东西,像篇中规中矩的中学作文.贴出来留个念,顺便贻笑一下大方.Living in the prestigious Park Avenue apartment to take care of the children from those extremely rich families seems to be a job not too bad for a college student.But as the young nanny gradually being involved in the Xes family,she is confronted with all kinds of oddities,through which I get a glimpse inside the Upper East life and its people.They use first class decorations to furnish their homes,choose costly clothing to beautify their appearances and wear masks to hide their true feelings.Mean to the inferiors and harsh to her son,Mrs X,the arrogant housewife in the family seems to be a nuisance to all the people around her.Her obsessive pursuit of the materialism has eaten up her sensitivity as a woman and her responsibility as a mother.Socializing in different occasions and crowds with designer labels and luxury items from head to toe,she is shaped as a noble but cold superwoman.But when slumping in the lonely darkness after her husband turned his back and slammed the door in her face,she’s just a desperate wife with a heart tattered into pieces.Maybe the poor woman is just trying hard to numb herself by filling the hollowness with status and power.Mr X,the figure which appears only for a few times through the story,is actually the core of this family.His wife would be wild with joy at the news that he’s going home for a holiday with them and his son proudly wears the card with his name on all the time.In one word,he can glue this broken family with love,or he can bring it to doom with ease.But sadly,this irresponsible husband and dad chooses the latter.He seldom comes home with the excuse of busy work and secretly develops an affair in his workplace,which reveals the fact that under the fa04ade of the smart suit hides a real hypocrite.With father far away from home and mother involved in all kinds of social activities,the little kid who desires for nothing but a little parental care turns out to be the final victim.Young as he is,the 4-year-old Grayer has already experienced too much isolation and uncertainty because of the unstable family relations and learnt to hide himself in the protective shell like stubbornness and selfishness.When he finally opened his heart and confided in the nanny,the one who he cared so much was expelled by his mother.He is neglected by his parents and even deprived of the temporary love from the nanny.No wonder he always behaves violently towards others because it’s the subconscious fear of being hurt again.“All the world’s a stage,and all the men and women merely players.” But when the players are busy acting in different scenes and can’t even pull off their masks back in the family,a place where one is supposed to share genuine feelings with the dearest ones,then it’s a play too pathetic to watch.