选用括号中单词适当形式填空(borrow lend keep return)I ______ the book Grea


  • (borrow lend keep return)

    I __borrow____ the book Great Expectations from Linda last week and she told me that I could __keep___ it for a month.

    Can I __borrow___ your dictionary?

    I'm afraid you can't.I __lended___ it to Jack a moment ago.

    You may __borrow___ at most six books at a time and _keep____ them no longer than two weeks.

    I __lended____ that record to John and never got it back.

    He is so stingy(吝啬的) that he never _lends____ anything to others

    Remember to __return___ Tom's book to him when he comes back.

    (tell speak say talk)

    He's gifted in learning languages and he can __speak____ five foreign languages fluently.

    To _tell_____ you the truth,I have little knowledge of computers.

    Can you ___tell___ the different between the twins?

    He was asked a lot of questions but he _said____ nothing.

    Abot whay did they ask you to _talk at the meeting?

    The teacher __told___ him not to be late for school again.

    Why did you ___talk__ that to your mum?

    "Computers can do calculations very fast." _said____ the teacher.

    (hold,happen,take place)

    Last week something unusual _happened____ to Mary while she was at work.

    How often do the Olympic Games _take place____?

    A CD can _hold____ over 300,000 pages of docements.

    When did the car accident _happen____?

    The school meeting will be _held____ here next week.How many people can this conference room _hold____

    The ceremony won't ___hold__ until all the guests are present.
