The Wolf and the Little Goat(翻译) 作文


  • The Wolf and the Little Goat狼和小山羊One beautiful spring evening, a hungry wolf goes out to look for his dinner.He sees a little goat. The goat stands up on a steep cliff.一个美好的春天的夜晚,一只饥饿的狼出来寻找晚餐。它看见一只小山羊,那只小山羊站在一座陡峭的山上。“I must have that goat,” the wolf thinks to himself. “But how can I reach her?”“我必须吃了那只羊,”狼想,“但我怎么能吃到它呢?”“Hello, little goat!” cries the wolf. “It’s dangerous there.I’m afraid you will fall.”“你好,小山羊!”狼喊,“你站的地方很危险,我担心你会掉下来。”“Don’t be afraid,” says the goat. “I’ll not fall.”“不用担心,”小山羊说,“我不会掉下去的。”“Please come down here.Don’t afraid of me.I’m a good wolf.I want to play with you. And the grass here is sweet and fesh,” the wolf says.“请下来吧,不要怕我,我是一只好狼。我想跟你玩,而且这儿的草又甜又新鲜。”狼说。“Thank you,” says the goat. “I know who you are and what you want.You don’t want me eat the grass, but you want to eat me up.” Then the clever goat runs far away, and the wolf has no dinnner.“谢谢你,”小山羊说,“我知道你想干什么:你不是想让我吃草,而是想吃掉我。”接着,小山羊就跑远了,狼没有晚餐吃了。