were dancing ; were singing
Girls ___(dace)while boys___(sing)the whole afternoon last S
The two girls kept _______ the whole afternoon that day. [00
Does the boy sing () well () the girl?填词语00
1 ( ) The boys are playing football _____ the girls are sing00
The girl 什么dance,but the boy什么.He can sing.00
The girl is a boy's luck,the boy is a girl's fate00
Look!The boy students are___football while the girls are__.A00
---any school boys in the classroom last friday afternoon?A00
listen, the girl ___in the next room sings is singing sang s00
谁快采纳谁1.Listen ! The girl is ______ (sing) 2.Look ! The boys00
David s—— to be in a bad mood the whole afternoon yesterday00