from me
个人品味与我不同的人翻译?people's personal taste is different to me?貌似不对
people's ___ to__ is different from person to person对待失败的态度因
1.但我奶奶和我有不同的品味But my grandmother has different ____ ____ me.
英语翻译中文为:不同的人对这件事有不同的看法不要这样翻译:different people have different
英语翻译不同的人持不同的观点.different people have different opinion\opino
the man's job is to send letters to different people .to sen
When several different people look at the same person, it is
事实上,不同的人喜欢不同的电视节目或电影。翻译:In fact,different people ____ ____ _
翻译:it differs from person to person as to the view of opport
求翻译it makes a real difference to people is lifies
英语翻译A single person’s talk show to tell people to be themsel