1.My Favorite Pastime 2.Is Writing Better than Calling 这两个题目


  • 我帮你写了两篇作文,因为不清楚你对作文的水平要求,所以在我平时写论文的基础上简化了一些.因为我在美国生活,所以作文是比较标准的美语.平时在大学经常写三千词论文,而且成绩一直很好,所以请你放心使用哈!娱乐的这个我写的舞蹈,不好意思忘记考虑性别问题了,但是男生可以跳街舞的是吧……嘻嘻^_^

    My Favorite Pastime

    Academic study is very important,but pastime is almost,if not as important as studying for a student.My favorite pastime is dancing,and there are several main reasons of why I like dancing the best as a pastime.First of all,when I dance,I could put aside the stress from school,and simply enjoy the dance music and the moves.Second,dancing helps me keep fit and healthy.Nowadays,it is common for students to have neck or back pains from sitting for too long,but sports and dancing can effectively solve the problem by giving us a break from books and computers.Last,I can meet many new friends from my dance classes and from other dance groups,which definitely adds color to my student life.


    Is Writing Better than Calling

    x09As the development of technology,the use of mobile phones has become a very important part of people’s daily lives.As a result,calling has started taking place of writing gradually.However,which way is better for communications?I believe that writing is better than calling.First,writing is a more formal way for communications,while calling tends to be more casual.Therefore,in the case of formal events,such as business communications,calling prevails over calling.Second,writing allows people to phrase more carefully,whereas calling seems a little rash comparatively.Third,it is easier for writing to keep records of communications.Therefore,I cast my vote for writing.

