

  • 1.A:Did you get the report card back?(你领了成绩单了吗?)

    B:Of course.(当然啦)

    A:How was it?( 怎样,还行不?)

    2.B:Well.I did OK this time.My math teacher said (that I barely passed the final exam.).


    A:Really?You are lucky.(真的呀,你运气还真不错.)

    3.B:How about you?Is yours ok?( 你怎样?还行吗?)

    A:Not very good.My worst report was from my science teacher.


    4.A:He said I failed the final exam,I will have to take a make up test after the winter break.

    ( 他说我期末考不及格,过完寒假我还得补考.)

    5.B:Don't worry.( I am sure you'll do all right in the make up test,just study a little)

    ( 别着急.我确信你补考时会过关啦,就稍微复习一下喽.)

