英语翻译位置:前卫效力球队:皇马辉煌战绩 齐达内无疑是当今世界足坛的标志性人物.其控球能力出神入化,球性极佳,能传能射.


  • Position:Vanguard

    Effect ball team:皇 Horse

    The glorious war's merit reaches together inside is the marking person of foot altar in the world doubtless nowadays.It controls a ball ability to appear lost in thought to go in to turn,the ball is very good,canning spread can shoot.If want to say not to reach together inside the words of the not just perfect star,only is because he too introverted personality,command far far not equal to his ball skill of the atmosphere of ball team on the spirit.Reach aught and together inside of technique drive generally accepted is the best currently in the world of,will be a French brigade the most important core.Reach together inside,this Algerian descendant was born in a French city Marseilles,his occupation career originates a French first grade brigade 戛纳 brigade