语法好的进来啊`~为什么用it is 语序为什么不是is it.Q2:Everyone has seen a frigh


  • 1.以上所说的"put 也是个过去分词,在dog 和put之间省略了连接词that"等观点都是不正确的.

    Everyone has seen...虽然是完成时态,但是它依然是考察see的用法.


    1)see + doing 看到某动作正在进行,并且动作没有结束,如:

    I can see a bird flying in the sky.我看到天空有只鸟在飞(正在进行)

    2)see + done 看到某人或某物被怎么样,如:

    I saw Tom punished by his mother yesterday.我昨天看到TOM被他母亲惩罚(被动)

    3)see + do 看到某事情的发生,是指完整的看到事情发生的全过程.如:

    I saw him get into a taxi.我看着他走进出租车里(整个过程)

    因此,在上面问题中,也是属于这地三种用法,"put his tail between his legs and run in panic."都是属于"see + do"结构中do的部分,put是动词原形.

    这是考察感官动词后面的非谓语动词,其他类似感官动词还有:hear,listen to,notice,watch,observe,look,see等


    get up/down/to

    come out/up/round/

    keep in touch with


    for the sake of

    in spite of

    regardless of

    as a reuslt of..