几个初中的首字母填词!1)the restaurant is a big d___ ,because the food


  • )the restaurant is a big d(isappointment),because the food and service there are both bad.

    2) If you want my p(ersonal) opinion,i think it is a load of rubbish

    3) The house stand a(lone) on the hill.it is a l(onely) house.an old man is always a(lone) in it

    4) we've made a lot of c(hanges) since you were last here

    5)the lawyers have a(lleged) against signing the contract.It is a lawyer's job to a(ct) on the law.

    6)we will go f(orward) into this question tomorrow,We'll enquire f(o

    ward)into this question

    7)Our house is a bit f(ar) along the road

    8)they may not offer me much money,In that c(ase),I won't take the jo