英语翻译1.清光绪年间,温州有姓陈的兄弟二人在市区东门陡门头路亭制卖 一种形似灯盏的点心,俗称灯盏糕.以猪腿肉、萝卜丝为


  • 1.清光绪年间,温州有姓陈的兄弟二人在市区东门陡门头路亭制卖 一种形似灯盏的点心,俗称灯盏糕.以猪腿肉、萝卜丝为馅,用当年熟黄豆及米粉 浆拌和做外皮,采用鲜猪油炸制而成,形似灯盏,外皮脆松,肉馅爽口,独具风味 ,一时名声大振,为此"陡门头灯盏糕"成为温州有名的风味小吃.

    During Emperor Guanxu’s reign of Qing Dynasty,in Wenzhou City there were two brothers surnamed Chen.They,at the booth aside Tumen Gate,made and sold a kind of lamp-shaped snack,also called Lamp cake as its moniker.The filling was mixed by the meat of pig’s leg and radish threads.For outer dough,the ingredients included soybean riped within the same year,rice powder.Add the filling and pinch to close.Deep-fry the dough ball with heated lard till it turns golden.Due to its shape and crisp flavor,the cake won extensive compliments.The Tumen Lamp Cake thereafter became the famous local snack in Wenzhou.



    People in Wenzhou are used to dry soy-marinated meat and ell rolls from the beginning of November of Chinese lunar Year.Immerse uncooked pork,chicken and duck in soy.Dry in the air and serve.The flavor is distinctive.


    Rice Pound Cake.Steam sticky rice till done.Crush them to pulp.Put the small part in the mold of different patterns,pinch to several peony-shaped,pear-shaped and carp-shaped alike cakes,symbolizing successive promotions of each year.
