英语翻译申请住XX(XX)就近工作尊敬的XXXXX我是PNT QC XXX,现暂住深圳市.几天前公司告知CHICCO和P


  • The application of XX (XX) to work

    Dear XXXXX

    I am PNT QC XXX, now living in Shenzhen city. Company a few days ago toldCHICCO and PNT two QC will merge, I saw QC work table in XX (XX)workload is busy (Annex table QC work lately), I was XX, old mother and two children living at home and reading in XX province XX city. Where XXXX is relatively recent, resident there to work, not only for my family to bring harmony, can travel for the companies to save costs, so I to the leadership of the company to apply for resident XX at work, please consider. Thank you.