请高手用英语回答请把理由说尽量清楚一点 Which matters more,career or marriage?wh


  • Marriage matters more than career because you will eventually retire one day,whether it will be when you are sixty or seventy,however,you will never "retire" from your marriage because you will live with your companion for the rest of your life.(unless,of course,if you want to get a divorce,then that's a totally different issue).

    The fundamental difference between marriage and career is that you can change your career,it is apparently more flexible than your marriage.For instance,you cannot just marry one woman or man one day and then divorce he or she the next day.It would hardly be called a marriage then.Marriage also asks for your commitment to your significant other,while your career does not necessarily demand you to stick to it.In today's world,there are plenty of people who change their career many times during their life times.Of course people want to have stable jobs,but stable marriages are more important in the long run.

    There are many similarities between marriage and career.They are both important and meaningful to your life,needless to say.Also,through both of them,you gain more experiences and learn more from both.Your career can enhance your ability; you can do better in your work as time go by.Marriage,on the other hand,provides you a stable home.Without a marriage,you barely have a home,especially when you grow older.Humans need homes and their significant others,this is a simple fact of nature.Career come second.You can always find a way to make a living,whereas you cannot find a wife or husband everywhere.You are meant to be with your special someone,and you are meant to go through hardships and happiness together,and to help each other out in your lives.What is more important in life than having a companion who understands you and will always be their for you when you are in a dilemma?Career does not always answer to your questions and your loneliness,but your siginificant other will.