there be 句型与have has 的区别


  • have第一第二人称,has三单形式,是均指(某人)拥有,there is是一个常用句型.是客观客观存在的陈述,不因你的意志为转移.填空如下

    1.I__have______a good father and a good mother.

    2._There is___________a telescope on the desk.

    3.He__has_______a tape-recorder.

    4.___There is __________a basketball in the playground.

    5.She__has________some dresses.

    6.They___have________a nice garden.

    7.What do you__have_________?

    8.__Is there____________a reading-room in the building?

    9.What does Mike__have_________?

    10.___Are there___________any books in the bookcase?

    11.My father____has_____a story-book.

    12.__There is_____________a story-book on the table.

    13.____Are there___________any flowers in the vase?

    14.How many students__are there__________in the classroom?

    15.My parents__have_________some nice pictures.

    16.__There are___________some maps on the wall.

    17.__There is____________a map of the world on the wall.

    18.David__has________a telescope.

    19.David’s friends____have_______some tents.

    20.___There are___________many children on the hill.


    1、There__are________a lot of sweets in the box.

    2、There__is________some milk in the glass.

    3、There __are________some people under the the big tree.

    4、There__is________a picture and a map on the wall.

    5、There___are_______a box of rubbers near the books.

    6、There___are_______lots of flowers in our garden last year.

    7、There____is______a tin of chicken behind the fridge yesterday.

    8、There ___are_______ four cups of coffee on the table.

    三、用 “ have或 has 填空

    1.I___have______ a nice puppet.2.He___has______a good friend.

    3.They___have_______ some masks.4.We__have_________some flowers.

    5.She______has_____ a duck.6.My father___has_________ a new bike.

    7.Her mother_____has______a vase.8.Our teacher___has______ an English book.

    9.Our teachers____have_______a basketball.10.Their parents__have_________some blankets

    11.Nancy__has_______many skirts.12.David____has______some jackets.

    13.My friends____have______a football.14.What do you___have_______?

    15.What does Mike__have________?16.What do your friends__have_________?

    17.What does Helen____have_______?18.His brother__has______a basketball.

    19.Her sister__has_______a nice doll.20.Miss Li____has______an English book.