英语作文【1】your ideas about tutorial centres利和弊【2】your ideas abo


  • 【1】

    It has been two years since the Beijing Olympic Games,and the London Olympic Games quietly approached.

    Opinions of tutorial centres

    Nowadays many students prefer tutorial centres because it plays a significant role in our daily life.Generally,its advantages can be seen as follows.First,the classes are smaller than the ones in school.Besides that it can improve our command of subjects greatly in some degree and it also give us a lot of confidence in learning.

    However,every coin has two sides.There are also existing some negative aspects.One of the evident disadvantages is that we need spend more money.To make matters worse,we may overdraft our energy after school.

    Through the above analysis,in my opinion,what really counts is whether you are willing to learn and have a spirit of enterprise.

    What is a good tutorial centre?

    Nowadays many students prefer tutorial centres because it plays a significant role in our daily life.I think a good tutorial centre of which the fees are reasonable and can improve our command of subjects.It contains qualified teachers and small classes.It’s not a ‘money making’tutorial centre.It can teach us many good techniques for developing our language and study skills.In addition ,we can have lessons on weekends for preventing us from being tired after school.

    However,in my opinion,what really counts is whether you are willing to learn and have a spirit of enterprise.


    your ideas about independent learning ,such as e-learning(learning on the internet),correspondence courses

    Independent learning is a popular way of learning recently.

    More and more peoplem,especially those who have already graduated,would love to learn knowledge via e-learning or correspondence courses.

    People can learn at home rather than go to school after tired work.

    This may be the critical factor that why independent learning becomes hot.

    Although idependent learning to some extent ease our way of leaning,it still has some disadvantages.

    Firstly,the knowledge you learnt from independent learning may not as animate as at school.

    There isn't a teacher stand behind you and gives you advice anytime.

    Secondly,if the course you learnt are about language,some difficulties may encountered by you when you learn how to pronounce.

    In a word,many methods must be taken to improve the way of independent learning so that people can gain knowledge efficiently.