How ____he plays the violin!a、graceful b、grace c、gracefully


  • 这是一个以How开头的感叹句,形式是:

    How + 形容词(或副词)+ 主语 + 谓语动词

    原句是He plays the violin gracefully. (修饰动词play,要用副词gracefully);

    如果句子是He is hansom. (作表语,要用形容词hansome),变为感叹句就是:How hansome he is!

    追问 A week _____seven days.

    a、is consisted of

    b、consist of


    d、is made of回答 consist of

    这题做错了,应该是 consisted of由……组成,词组是consist of 或 be consisted of,由于这句的主语是A week,属于第三人称单数,选用consist of 的话,应该加s变为consists of,题中没有这一选项,所以只能选is consited of