1 This is not the right attitude to take


  • 当不定式做定语时,有两种情况可用不定式的主动表被动.

    1.There be句型中不定式to do和to be done都可表被动,可以不区别.如:There are a lot of things to do/to be done this afternoon.今天下午有许多事要做.

    2.当不定式与所修饰词有动宾关系同时又与本句中的另一个名词或代词构成主谓关系时,可用不定式的主动形式to do表示被动含义.如:

    Mr.Smith,I have some questions to ask.史密斯先生,我有一些问题要问.(不定式to ask的动作执行者是主语I)

    Please give me somebooks to read.请给我一些书读.(不定式to read的动作执行者是句中的me)

    但:I'm going to the post office;do you have anything to be sent?我要去邮局,你有什么要寄的东西吗?(此句中send这个动作不是句中you发出的,所以用了被动)

    take the right attitude动宾搭配
