in the way
英语翻译即使在电视机和收音机里,你也会听出人们说话是的差异Eevn on TV and the radio you wi
用定语从句翻译一下句子到晚上22点为止,地震造成了1670人死亡 然而,在电视和收音机里,你也可以听出人们在说话时的差异
however ,on tv and the radio you will hear differences in th
The early warning of floods, _____ over the radio and on TV,
The warning of the storm, ______ over the radio and on TV, s
表方式的定语从句分析?however ,on tv and the radio you will hear differ
有句古话形容温暖的话即使是冬天听了也会温暖,伤人的话即使是夏天听了也心凉 是什么?
英语翻译那人们喜欢你 怎么说 也是people like you?
英语翻译英语翻译 即使父母反对你的提议,你也应该注意听.(reject be supposed to)
英语翻译-What do you do on the weekend?-Usually i watch TV and g
with the development of production and science,radio----a wi