说出下列单词的反义词bring ( ) short ( ) old ( )sells ( ) easy ( ) bron


  • 1.反义词bring (take ) short (long/tall ) old (young/new )

    sells ( buys) easy (hard ) brong ( )

    first ( last) big ( small/little/tiny) black ( white)

    tall (short )


    What's the (price ) (of ) the apples?楼主没有具体说这句想问什么嗯..

    he has hanburgurs for sopper .(对划线部分提问)

    (what ) (does )he (have )for to sopper

    i sell some for to Tom (改为同义句)

    Tom ( ) some for ( ) ( ) 还是不了解原句是什么意思...

    the girl in red is Luy( 对划线部分提问)

    (which ) (girl ) is Luy


    1.(how much is your back?)

    my back is twenty-five dollars.

    2.( can i do something for you?)

    yes,please,i want a math book

    3.( what colour is his soccer ball?)

    his soccer ball is black and white

    4.(where's the cout?)

    the cout is on the self