翻译词组 1. 感到一阵轻微的震动传遍全身____________ 2. 惊恐地看着对方_________


  • .1 感到一阵轻微的震动传遍全身feel a slight shake / tremble go through the body

    2. 惊恐地看着对方look at sb in fear /glare at sb in fear

    3. 像雷一样的巨响as loud as thunder

    4. 向四面八方跑 run in every direction / in all directions

    5. 疯狂地跑 run wild

    6. 跑出购物中心 walk out of the shopping center

    7. 开始倒塌 begin / start to collapse

    8. 冷静下来 calm down

    9. 被困住 be stranded

    10. 涌上心头 sth rises in the mind / sth comes up in the mind

    还活着 be still alive

    将一袋巧克力吃完 eat up a bar of chocolate

    找到出去的路 find a way out

    听到激动人群的叫喊声 hear a crowd of excited people shout

    匆匆忙忙的搬开砖头 move the bricks in a hurry

    在地震中幸存下来 survive the earthquake

    听起来像地下的爆炸声 sound like an underground explosion

    大声喊请求帮助 cry for help

    地震停止以后 after the earthquake came to an end