

  • Student A:Hi,B.Haven’t seen you for days.How are you getting on?B.很久没见,还好吧?)

    Student B:Hi.Just so-so.马马虎虎.)

    Student A:Why!You are looking downhearted.What’s the matter with you?(哎呀!看上去无精打采,怎么了?)

    Student B:Indescribable.I feel rather depressed these days,appetite lost and hard to fall asleep.(近日觉得特别压抑,没胃口,难以入睡.)

    Student A:So do I,but I don’t know why.(我也是,只是不知道为什么.)

    Student B:Haven’t we got so called depression.Why not go to the psychologist for some advice?(难道我们患了所谓的抑郁症吗?何不去问问心理医生呢?)

    Student A:That’s a good idea.Let’s go.(主意不错,走吧.)

    Student A&B:Good afternoon,sir.(下午好.)

    Psychologist:Good afternoon,young men.What can I do for you?(能为你们做些什么呢.)

    Student A:We always feel bad recently and sometime hopeless.(近来我们总是觉得不舒服,有时候还很绝望呢.)

    Psychologist:Oh.Can you let me know what you are worrying about?(噢,能告诉我你们在担心什么吗?)

    Student B:Nothing but our school work.The final examination is approaching,you know,and we have to prepare for it day and night.What else?(除了自己的学业外没什么可担心的.期末考试就要到了,这你是知道的,我们得没日没夜地备考.还能担心什么呢?)

    Psychologist:Less exercises and less sleep,do you?(基本不活动,睡眠很少,是吧?)

    Student A&B:Yes.(是的.)

    Psychologist:And it’s a common failing to meet a special circumstance.Don’t be nervous.People are sometimes worried about something that is happening or might happen.In fact,this is a normal phenomenon.If you can’t spend more time doing exercises in the open air,you can afford some time at regular intervals to straighten yourself up,stand up a while,look up forward to the outdoor or review your lessons walking.Doing so,you are sure to improve your sleep.Remember,don’t stay up too late,because you can only memorize little when your are tired.(这是人们遇到特殊情况时的通病.不要紧张.人们往往会对即将发生或要发生会事情感到担忧.事实上,这是一种正常现象.如果你们抽不出更多的时间去户外活动,可以间隔一段时间伸伸腰、站一会儿、瞭望一下室外或者边走边复习功课.这样做,就可以改善睡眠.不过千万记住不要太熬夜,因为人在疲劳的时候几乎什么也记不住.)

    Student A&B:Thank you very much for your advice.(非常感谢您的建议.)