have done 的形式强调是在另一个动作(car couldn't move)之前已经发生完了.那句意就不通了,因为这里没有说车先被大雪困住了,这件事过了然后不能动的意思;而是当时处于被困住的状态,所以不能动.
关于过去分词的语法问题!_______in the snow,our car couldn't move away an
We won't need __________(move)away from the sofa in our sitt00
jenny couldn't get the car(),for it is too cold.为什么填moving的形00
while the battered car was moving away中为什么用 moving 不是move00
in the moving cast away00
couldn't 是can't的过去词吗?00
in the moving cast away 302900
请问英语过去式的语法Why couldn't he decide00
wide过去式 过去分词 是什么?The road in front of our school will be ___00
in的过去分词是什么?问的问题有错误。是超级模仿秀例:did the driver of the car see you00
( ) the car accident,Jack couldn t work any longer.00