

  • The fierce competition between enterprises in today's economic globalization,competition in the product,in a sense is the brand's competitive enterprises to survive in the worldwide competition,brand building must attach great importance to the strategic vision.The brand is a symbol and representatives of enterprises and products,its meaning is a long-term contract of a value between businesses and consumers.Brand value reflects the market position of certain types of products,the competitive advantages of its development,brand value and market performance will directly affect the core competitiveness of enterprises.In a sense,the brand is market share,is profit.Initially,the brand enterprises in order to identify their products,in order to distinguish it from competitors,identify consumer awareness and the use of the mark.Now,the brand is no longer equivalent to "mark",but has become a broader,more abstract concept,created by the "badge" or mark out "intangible assets".With the arrival of the era of the brand,the differences in corporate brand management is being replaced by the difference of the product itself,the enterprise is no longer selling differentiated products,but differentiated brand concept.