

  • A

    What's the matter里面WHAT 做主语.



    1. What he said is true.他说的是真的.

    2. What really interested him was to travel outside. 确实能吸引他的是出去旅游.

    3. Do you know what we are going to do this evening.你知道今晚我们要做什么吗?

    4. What he does is also what I want to do . 他做的就是我想做的.

    5. You are welcome. That’s what I should do .你太客气了啊.是我应该做的.

    6. He didn’t know what was the matter.他不知道发生什么了.

    7. That’s what I am doing now.那就是我现在在做的事情.

    8. Our city is not what it used to be .我们的城市再也不是过去的那个样子了.

