英语翻译Boy am I nervous.Loss of blood due to blunt trauma.Not e


  • Boy am I nervous.嘿,我很紧张.

    Loss of blood due to blunt trauma.严重的外伤造成了失血.

    Not everyone takes on a murder trial right off the bat like this.不是每个人都像这样立刻接受谋杀案的处理.

    I kind of owe my current job to him.我拥有现在的工作要非常感谢他.

    Gimme the death sentence!判我死刑吧!

    Ya gotta tell me!你要告诉我!

    Given the circumstance…… 在这种环境中.

    You did pass the bar.你确实经过了酒吧.

    I'm expecting a delivery.我在等待发送.

    I put my foot in it this time.这次我说错话了.

    cover to cover.掩盖.

    Are you absolutely sure you're up to this?你完全确信你能胜任吗?