请以“love around me”写一篇80词左右的英语作文


  • The saying 'love makes the world go round' is accurate, in a metaphorical sense. Some people may disagree, saying that greed or money makes the world go round, but in order to be greedy you have to love something (or at least feel passionately about it) and the most common thing greedy people crave is money, even if it is to buy other things. Films are made about it, books and songs and poems are written, artists draw and paint and sculpt, people spend their entire lives waiting for 'The One'. You can love anything, really a person, place or thing, or maybe even the concept of love itself. But there are also different types of love. You would not love a sibling as you would love a spouse and you would not love your friend as you would love your home or faith. Dictionaries define love as basically a 'passionate feeling of affection' but love is so much more than that. Nearly every human feels love at some point in life, even if it is not their own and just directed at them. Love is not something that can really be described well by anyone, unless they are describing how much love they feel or why to someone who knows what love is. The only concept young children have of love, for example, is the love they feel for their parents. They do not really understand why their parents are together, but they accept that they are because they love each other, and that is all they know.
