英语翻译1 在那里的人们饱尝战争之苦(suffer)2 事实上,他把大部分业余时间都花在网络上了(spend)3 你应该


  • 1 在那里的人们饱尝战争之苦(suffer)

    The people there were suffered from war.

    2 事实上,他把大部分业余时间都花在网络上了(spend)

    In fact,he has spent most of his free time on internet.

    3 你应该独立思考,而不是一味的顺从他人(instead)

    You should think of it yourself,instead of obeying others only.

    4 他想取悦听众,吸引他们的注意力,但都没有成功(intend)

    He intended to please the audiences and catch their attention ,but failed.

    5 再尝试与他沟通一次,否则只能采取措施防止他单独外出(or)

    Try to communicate with him once again,or you only can adopt measure preventing him from going out alone.

    6 经过10年的艰苦奋斗,这个女孩终于成为一名律师,圆了自己儿时的梦想(After)

    After 10-year struggling,this girl succeeds in being a lawyer at last,realizing her dream in childhood.