will he have arrived before the meeting begins?求句型分析
Only when he arrived did the meeting begin请帮我分析这个句子
英语句型转换:the school sports meet will begin AT 8:00 ON OUR SCHO
the meeting will begin at 7:00 会议将在七点开始.the meeting begins a
the meeting will last two hours分析句型 two hours 这里做的是什么?
you know 【 A when the meeting will begin B when will the mee
Hurry up! The meeting will begin __________ 3:00 pm. [
The meeting will begin in fifteen minutes.And there ___ many
Please get ready__the meeting begins.A.before B.since C.so t
I will get you there before the meeting starts
It was not until the beginning of the meeting _____ he reali