英语翻译1 饭已经做好了,帮我喊他过来吃饭吧.2 你们放几天假?/ 我们这次放假3天3 你中午好好休息吧 / 睡一会吧,


  • 1.The meal is ready,please call him to come for the meal.

    2.How many holidays do you have?/ We have 3 days this time.

    3.You'd better have a good rest at noon./ Go and sleep for a while,or you will be sleeping in the afternoon.

    4.What's your arrengement for the vacation of the National Day?

    5.I will have a trip to Shanghai in vacation of the National Day.

    6.I want to go hiking and climb up the mountains in the holidays of the National Day./ Go to play by seasides.