英语-完形填空One night Mr.Black left his car o___ his house as usu


  • One night Mr.Black left his car (outside)his house as usual,but the next (morning) when he came downstairs to go to his office,he didin't find his car there,He (called) the policeman and told him what had happened.The policeman said he would try to find it.

    When Mr.Black hurried home from his (office)that evening,he was (surprised) to see his car back again in frong of his house.He checked it carefully and found two film (tickets )and a letter which said," we were very sorry.We took your car (because) of a sick boy."So Mr.and Mrs.Black went to the (cinema) with the two tickets and of course they enjoyed (themselves) very much.

    But when they came back home,the found the thieves had (taken)everything they had in their house.