句子成分划分We were astonished to find the temple still in its ori


  • 11We were astonished to find the temple still in its original condition.




    astonished 是表语.后面是不定式短语作状语,可以看做原因状语

    其中to find 是不定式

    the temple是 不定式的宾语

    still in its original condition.是不定式宾语的宾补

    still是副词修饰后面的介词短语 in its original condition.

    2Harrison Ford is thought to be one of the few movie stars to have worked

    as a carpenter before.

    Harrison Ford是主语 is thought 是谓语 后面是不定式短语作主补

    其中to be是不定式 one of the few movie stars 是不定式的表语

    to have worked是不定式的完成形式作定语 修饰the few movie stars

    as a carpenter是介词短语作状语修饰to have worked

    before是副词作状语修饰to have worked.