改正英语作文 急It was 5 years after the end of Snow White’s story.I


  • It was 5 years after the end of Snow White’s story.

    I 【was working】 in my office when 【someone knocked】 【on】 my door.

    "Come in,please," 【I said.】

    A fat woman 【with】 skin was as white as snow came in and took off her hat.She turned 【towards】 me,"【Hello】,Mr.Freud.My name is Snow White."

    "【Hello】,Ms.Snow White.Take a seat,please," I said,"【what's wrong?】"

    "I...uh..." Snow White became embarrassed,【and】 her face 【turned】 a little bit red.She said,"I just can't stop 【eating.】 I feel uneasy if nothing is in my mouth【,and now I've become so fat】 that my husband 【is treating】 me 【colder and colder.】【 注:没有 coldlier 这个词】

    "Ms.Snow White,take it easy," I said,"In my opinion,your ego is not strong 【enough】 to keep your id down.You always want to feel good 【and】 do whatever you want,right?"

    "Yes.I think I need more 【self】 control.By the way," Snow White took out 【a】 cigarette case,【fixing her eyes on me.】"can I smoke 【in】 here?"

    "No,you can't." I replied and pointed at the 【"No smoking" sign】.

    "All right.May I chew gum?" 【asked】 Snow White.She put 【the】 cigarette case away and put a piece of gum in her mouth.

    "Listen!I think you are orally fixated.During 【the】 oral stage 【that last】 from the beginning of one’s life up to 【eighteen】 months,the focus of pleasure is on the mouth.Though you are not in this stage,you fail to resolve the conflicts of this stage.【Later in life】 you may constantly 'hunger' for activities involving the mouth," I said,drinking some water.

    "What can I do?Mr.Freud," 【asked】 Snow White.She became nervous.

    "Every time 【you】 feel hunger,【tell】 yourself that you are full and focus on something else 【instead】." I advised.

    "【Okay,】 I'll try my 【best to follow your advice.】Thank you so much!" said Snow White.

    "May you succeed!" I said,smiling 【to】 her.

    【And just like that,Snow White went away.】


    我正好学过 Freud 的 Oral Stage,还有什么 Id 和 Ego 和 superego.
