根据句意说出括号部分的含义1、You(look blue)this morning.What's the matter?


  • 1、You(look blue)this morning. What's the matter? C

    A、脸色发青 B、脸肿了 C、闷闷不乐 D、看上去变蓝

    2、The students are going out of the classroom (in three and fours). D

    A、说三道四 B、三言两语 C、各奔东西 D、三五成群

    3、The letters USA (stand for) the United Ststes of American.D

    A、站着看 B、可用在 C、等待着 D、代表

    4、He isn't really ill.He is just( putting on). A

    A、假装 B、上演 C、挂上 D、穿上