

  • 关于专八听力,因为还有一档专八Interview和专八新闻的节目,所以不是每一项都是每天更新的,但是minilecture不更新的同时interview有更新,大家也可以关注一下.B,skills for quick and efficient reading Skimming:--finding the ___of the passage --only trying to locate specific information Scanning:--searching for___or ideas --moving your eyes quickly down the pageIn order to make reading more efficient,it is necessary for us to know some reading strategic skills.Skimming and scanning are two specific reading strategic skills for quick and efficient reading.The purpose of skimming is to find the main idea of the passage.Readers often do skimming when they have lots of material to read in a limited amount of time.When skimming,readers only try to locate specific information and they often do not even follow the development of the story.Scanning is another technique readers often use when looking up a word in a telephone book or dictionary to search for key words or ideas.Scanning involves moving your eyes quickly down the page to seek specific words and phrases.Based on this,I will introduce to you three strategies which may help you to conduct effective reading.main idea key words为了让我们的阅读更有效,我们需要掌握一些阅读技巧.略读和跳读是可以更快更有效的阅读所必须的阅读技巧.略读的目的是找到文章的中心思想.读者通常在有大量阅读材料的时候才用略读技巧,在略读的时候,读者通常尝试定位具体的信息,并且一般不按照故事发展的顺序看文章.跳读是另一种在电话薄或者字典中寻找关键信息时所才用的技巧.跳读要求肉眼在文章上下快速扫过以找到具体的单词和短语.基于此,我要向你们推荐三种可以帮助你有效阅读的技巧这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>听力达人们的练习秘诀:听写酷!点击进入>>短句听写:每天一句进步明显!短句听写:听懂最生活化的句子!
