keep 与stay当保持讲,用法有区别吗麻烦告诉我


  • 1.Keep 相当于 be 动词 ,后跟adj,表示维持一种状态,比如:keep calm

    而 stay 后跟 副词,介词短语情况比较多.比如stay here,stay overnight

    2.stay、remain和keep辨析 1.表示“继续呆在某处”时,应该用不及物动词remain或stay,例如:Shall I go or stay?Stay indoors for a few days until you recover from your cold.He remained in his seat after all the other students had gone home.2.表示“暂住、短期停留”时,只能用不及物动词stay.例如:He is staying at Hilton Hotel.My mother-in-law stayed with us this week when she visited us.3.表示“残留、剩下”时,只能用不及物动词remain,例如:Not much of the house remained after the fire.Of the seven brothers,only four now remain; the rest are dead.4.表示“继续保持或处于某种状态”时,应视具体情况在上述动词中进行选择:(1)表示“继续保持或处于原来的状态”时,可用remain或stay,例如:Three of them remained single.Shops should remain open till later in the evening.The door stayed closed.But the police themselves prefer to stay unarmed.(2)表示“需要设法才能保持或处于某种状态”时,应用keep,例如:She knew she must keep calm.I wish those children would keep quiet.Although they have many difficulties,they keep happy.Paul managed to keep awake by drinking lots of strong black coffee.(3)表示“使某人或某物保持某种状态”时,只能用及物动词keep,例如:She had kept him waiting twenty minutes on this occasion.Why do you always keep your windows closed?

    关于STAY,REMAIN和KEEP用法的一些区别 一、在表示“继续呆在某处”时,应用remain或stay,两者可以互换,它们都是不及物动词.如:Shall I go or stay?Stay indoors for a few days until your cold is better.He remained in his seat after all the other students has gone home.二、表示“住在某处”时,只能用stay,stay作不及物动词用.如:He is staying at Hilton Hotel.My mother-in-law is staying with us this week.三.表示“暂住、短期停留”时,只能用不及物动词stay.如: