who is it? 这是问句 那么这句话怎么改 Go and see who is it还是 who it is?
有关"强调句"的小问题是it is i who.还是it is me who...
There is somebody at the door. ______ I go and see who it is
There is somebody at the door ._____I go and see who it is ?
Who is this?同义句 Who is ____ It is one o five.It is____ ____
(1/3)1.Someone is ringing the doorbell.Go and see who it is
There is somebody at the door.( ) I go and see who it is?A.S
who the mirror is it from 这句话对嘛
Someone has come and go to see who____ is.空格里用it还是he,为什么?
it is you who have invented it.it is you who has invented it
what it is?who it is?